Physics - Strengths and Achievements

Physics : Strengths and Achievements

SWOC Analysis.

Department: Physics
Name of the HoD: A.V Ramana Rao

Parameter Strengths
What does your department do well in line with college vision and Mission
What are your department weaknesses?
… for growth of your department and the College
  … competition to your departmental success and the College success
Curricular Aspects Curriculum is enriched by adding important topics   Curriculum will be designed in next BOS meeting, keeping in view of the syllabi prescribed for All India level PG entrance tests  
Teaching -Learning  Apart from conventional teaching methods, student centric methods are followed. Usage of ICT tools, Virtual and digital classrooms  Less percentage of classes through ICT tools  Planning to take at least 40% of classes using ICT tools and more focus on student centric methods  
   One staff member is having M.Phil. and other two are pursuing their PhD  Less number of publications. Two papers were published in UGC accepted journals one more paper is under review in the journal of spectroscopic Letters    Non availability of research facilities
Extension Activities  Field trip, Guest lecture and DRC seminars were conducted   Planning to conduct
a seminar in the next month
Graduate outcomes  92-100%  Only few students were pursuing post-graduation in Physics    
Best practices  Endowment prizes to meritorious students   Practicing problems solving towards better performance in the entrance exam.  
Student Mentoring system  Student mentoring system is followed      
Examination System Internal exams are being conducted as per the COE guidelines. Performance of students is analysed through seminars, assignments, quiz, and group discussions   From this year onwards continuous internal assessment (CIE) is followed as per SOP given by a CCE